Landscape Design

Buying a house with a yard is the easy part. Greening up your garden, however,  takes time, effort, commitment, and efficient planning. Over time, grass tends to get dry, discolored, and even patchy. 

Lack of proper nutrients, compacted soil, and improper watering can prevent your lawn from looking the greenest it has ever been. Without the right approach, achieving that deep green color may feel impossible. 

If you desire a lawn, you can call yours with pride, and this blog will teach you how. Follow these steps for a garden that will turn heads and beautify your property. 

Step 1: Test Your Soil 

Knowing the type of soil you’re working with can go a long way toward laying the foundation for a healthy, green lawn. There is a science to tending to your yard, and it begins with the soil. 

No amount of mowing, fertilizing, overseeding, aerating, or watering will help if your soil isn’t right. You should test your soil at least once a year to determine a course of action.

How to Test Your Soil

Buy a soil testing kit to measure mineral levels and pH, and then send your samples to a local testing laboratory. 

When you receive the test results, compare them with the laboratory's recommended values. 

  • If you live in the Northern region of the US with cold-season Grass, your pH should ideally be between 5.0 and 7.5, depending on the grass variety.
  • If you live in a Southern region with warm-season grass, your pH should be between 5.5 and 6.5.  
  • Also, check for nutrient levels and organic matter and compare them to the recommended values for your grass variety. 

Acting According to Soil Test Results

Once you either test your soil yourself or send a sample to a laboratory, you will gain key insights into your soil’s nature. You can now begin to act on the test result. For example, if you need to increase your soil’s pH or use lime and elemental sulfur to reduce it.

Similarly, you can add compost, manure, or leaf mold to increase the nutrient content. You can also water more frequently if the soil is low in moisture content, etc. 

Step 2: Fertilize Your Lawn

Now that you have sufficient information about your soil, you can begin making it more fertile. Remember the nutrient levels in the test results for your soil? You need to choose a fertilizer that optimizes them.

Choosing the Right Fertilizer for Your Lawn

While your lawn’s soil contains numerous nutrients, nitrogen (N), potassium (K), and phosphorous (P) are the ones most important for its greenery and overall health. 

  • Your lawn will typically need high Nitrogen levels as the element facilitates chlorophyll production—the pigment that gives the grass its green color.
  • You will need a balanced ratio of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium (aka the N-P-K ratio)
  • You will also need high phosphorus for growing stronger roots, especially if you are building a new lawn. 

When and How Often to Fertilize Your Lawn

Picking the right fertilizer isn’t enough.  You will also need to determine how often you fertilize your lawn. 

  • Cold-season grass needs to be fertilized twice a year: once at the beginning of spring and then again at the beginning of fall.
  • Warm-season grass usually needs to be fertilized every six to eight weeks during active growth season. 

Step 3: Watering Your Lawn Efficiently

After fertilizing and catalyzing your lawn’s growth, you must ensure that it doesn’t remain dry for long. Knowing how much and how frequently you need to water your yard can make all the difference to its health and appearance. 

Strategic Watering 

Your lawn needs water to flourish. Keep the following guidelines in mind. 

  • Ensure that you give it at least an inch of water per week, especially when the sun is out.
  • Use a lawn sprinkler to ensure the water distribution in your lawn is uniform and uninterrupted. 
  • Take into account the local weather report and forecast to know when and if it’s going to rain.

 Water early in the morning (ideally before 10 AM) to prepare your lawn for the rest of the day. 

Watering a New Grass Seed

If you are trying to give your lawn a total makeover or have planted a new grass seed, it needs a different watering schedule. 

  • The soil should be moist but not overflowing after a fresh plant. Lightly water your soil 1-2 times per day.
  • Once grass reaches 1-2 inches in height, water once every other day in the morning.

Step 4: Rid Your Lawn of Pests and Weeds

Whenever you water your turf, you must be vigilant of pest activity or weed growth. Both weeds and pests can ruin an otherwise healthy lawn and leave you several steps further from the perfect landscape.

Proactive Weed Removal

If you spot weeds, dig them out before they grow completely. 

  • Use a spade to uproot them cautiously without disturbing grass growth.
  • If you prefer going the herbicide route, identify the weed first before going for a solution. 
  • If weeds are a regular problem in your yard, you can also opt for a fertilizer that includes herbicide. 
  • If applying herbicides, please use proper equipment, such as a high-quality respirator, gardening apron, and rubber gloves.

Dealing With Pests in Your Lawn

Having pests in your lawn is a sign of trouble. If you suspect pest trouble, here is how to deal with them:

  • A  pest control treatment can help. You can take matters into your own hands or call up your local gardening or pest control agency to assist you.
  • Look for holes and dead patches in your lawn, examine them well, and ensure that no unwanted guests are lying there. Examine the soil well and reseed. 

Step 5: Ensure That You Are Mowing Right

Mowing is an essential part of maintaining your beautiful yard. However, going about it carelessly can do more harm than good. 

Sharpen Mower Blades

Whenever you bring out the mower from your shed, ensure that its blades are in top shape. Otherwise, your lawn will generally look disfigured and unkempt.

Sharpen blades at least once a year or twice if necessary. While mowing, do not remove more than one-third of the grass at a time. Otherwise, you will cause significant damage to the plant’s ability to grow and sustain itself. 

Different Grass, Different Heights

Be aware of your grass type: cold or warm season. As explained earlier, if you live in the northern part of the US, you will have cold-season grass, and in the south, you will have warm-season grass. 

Here is a mowing height guide for your grass type:  

Cool-Season Grass Heights
Cool-Season Grass Type Ideal Grass Height
Kentucky Bluegrass 2.0”-3.5”
Perennial Ryegrass 2.0”-3.5”
Fine Fescue 2.0”-3.5”
Tall Fescue 3.0”-4.0”
Warm-Season Grass Heights
Warm-Season Grass Type Ideal Grass Height
St. Augustinegrass 2.5”-3.75”
Bermudagrass 1.0”-2.0”
Centipedegrass 1.5”-2.0”
Zoysiagrass 1.5”-2.5”

Additional Tips for a Greener Lawn

After following all of the steps mentioned above, if you are still not happy with how your lawn looks, you can make use of the following tips:

  • Reseeding When Needed: Are you stuck with many discolored spots or dead patches? Focus your attention on these spots by reseeding your lawn
    • Use a seed spreader for the best results.
    • Fertilize and water using the guidelines mentioned above.
  • Aerating Your Lawn: Even the most experienced gardeners can find it challenging to know when and how to aerate their lawns. Lucky for you, we have a complete guide that covers all the aspects of lawn aeration in minute detail.
  • Ensure Minimal Disturbance: Do not park vehicles over your lawn, especially during dormant season. Try to reduce foot traffic on your lawn, especially after watering it. 

At Percy’s Lawn Care, we treat your lawn as our own. We take care of mowing, landscaping, and snow removal, ensuring that you don’t have to worry about anything. We will make sure that your lawn stays amazing throughout the year. 

You deserve a green lawn, and we want to help you get it. Are you a home or business owner in Buffalo, Amherst, or Cheektowaga? Schedule a free consultation with us, and we’ll be there in no time.

Ready to have a lawn that gathers praise from friends, family, and your neighborhood? Contact us today, and we will do the rest!